Thursday, November 10, 2005

A new look

Exams were announced today for two of the three courses I'm taking this semester, 'Distributed Operating Systems' and 'Interactive Data Visualization'. Almost immediately, I inexplicably developed a passion for CSS and HTML, both of which would at best fetch me zero points on the above mentioned exams. Hence this 'new' look.

I have deviated from a rule of thumb I normally follow very strictly, "black text on a white background". But I thought a change would help, just as moving furniture around your room once in a while makes you feel good. The Christmas season is fast approaching and I would like to keep this background until after Christmas. But go ahead and yell at me if the background sucks so I know that a change to a more subtle background is called for.


LovingAndLosing said...

Hehehe. Funny post.
Uhm. Bad background :P
Well, it's sorta cute and sorta not.

Leon said...

Hmm.. It was the christmas tree that sold me on the background..

Btw, if you look at the lower right corner, you will find a shout box. It's one of those things where you type out something that comes to your head and click 'post'. Why don't you try it? :p.

Camphor said...

Leon, is the sidebar being at the bottom deliberate? If it isn't, you need to change your width settings...

Oh and yeah, I like the background. Not for something permanent, not for a whole month, maybe, but for a short while, it rocks.

Btw, me went nuts about html and css a while back.. a few days before a database management systems and basic bioinformatics papaer. :D strange are the workign of urges to learn.

Leon said...

Hey, it appears fine to me in both Firefox and Internet Explorer. Perhaps your version is outdated?

About the background.. thanks.. I'll try and come up with a means of keeping the christmas trees AND maintaining readability.. :D

So you are in Computer Science or a related field too.. How do you like it? There are times when I feel I'd rather do English Literature, History and Geography.. (sigh) but what the hell, I guess the grass is always greener on the other side..

silverine said...

This is a very nice Christmassy background. But if you could do something about the fonts to make it more visible it would be great!

Leon said...

Thanks.. But Words in all fonts are equally "less visible" when they hit the 'green' of the christmas tree..

there is nothing much I CAN do about the font except make all of the text bold if I want to make it more visible.. Well.. hopefully I'll find a solution..

Does the sidebar appear at the bottom for you?

Unknown said...

Do u ever move furniture in ur room? :D

Leon said...

Of course I do.. The refrigerator was messing up my room, so I moved it to yours.. Wouldn't you call that moving? :D

Camphor said...

yup, you got the field right. :D

Well, maybe it was the resolution in the other comp. 800*600 pushes it down, changed resolution didn't help there. Whatever. These univ comps!! It's a sidebar now. :)

At one point I REALLY wanted to do wither english history or psycology. Until I saw the way you are expected to learn the subject. I have enough trouble with my meagre memorising skill in an engg college, no way am I going to ruin my life trying to memorise irrelevant details.

Leon said...

Like you don't need memorising skills for CS back home.. :p

Camphor said...

Erm. Did the shoutbox disappear?

Leon said...

The shoutbox is BACK.. :-)

It wasn't working for sometime and I didn't like that blank space.. So I took it off..