Sunday, February 12, 2006

My vacation

Now that I am done with cribbing, let us move on to happier things. This past winter break was one of the most pleasant vacations I have ever had. Loads of travelling, loads of good food, loads of shopping, loads of movies, loads of get-togethers. In fact the only thing missing in that list is probably 'loads of sleeping' but then one can't get loads of everything and still get the sleep one wants... ;-). I wonder why my sis finds this so hard to understand.. grr.

Some pictures follow..

I took this picture of Downtown Washington DC standing right in the middle of the road after the pedestrian signal had changed. Luckily, I wasn't arrested.. I was honked at a couple of times though..

The Capitol Building

The White House was the least impressive of all the architecture in DC. I wasn't even tempted to take a peek inside though they were allowing visitors on the day we were there.

The Lincoln Memorial

The Washington Monument

Both the Lincoln Memorial and the Washinton monument were breathtakingly beautiful.


LovingAndLosing said...

(*blush blush* for reply to comment on previous post)

I LOVE that pic you took in the middle of the road. What a gr8 idea. Who cares about the honkers? You're never going to meet them ever! I think I might try that sometime too! :D

silverine said...

You live life dangerously!!! Thank god you were not run over! From your post it does look like you had a relaxing holiday :)

Leon said...

[Vids] You SHOULD try it. You might not be as lucky as me though.. :p

[Silverine] I did indeed.. Thanks for being one of the few who were glad about me NOT being run over... ;-)

Sugee said...

Wait till bush heres that

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